Overheated battery
As you will be aware it is extremely rare for a Li-Ion battery to fail like this. We will arrange a free of charge replacement battery and will collect the faulty battery for inspection.
In the meantime, can you please answer all these questions:
What environment is the radio being used in? E.g. indoors in the UK at normal temperature / humidity, outdoors in high temperature abroad, indoors in a refrigerated room etc.
What is the application the radio is being used in? E.g. library, leisure centre, construction etc.
Which model charger is being used?
How is the battery being charged, e.g. off the radio, on the radio with the radio switched off. on the radio with the radio switched on?
When did this happen, e.g. whilst on charge, whilst in use?
Was the battery attached to the radio when this happened?
Has the battery dropped / damaged at all before this happened?
Can you please attach photos of the battery to this ticket please (clearly showing the overheating damage and the batteries label).
Thank you.