Overheated battery

As you will be aware it is extremely rare for a Li-Ion battery to fail like this. We will arrange a free of charge replacement battery and will collect the faulty battery for inspection.

In the meantime, can you please answer all these questions:

  • What environment is the radio being used in? E.g. indoors in the UK at normal temperature / humidity, outdoors in high temperature abroad, indoors in a refrigerated room etc.

  • What is the application the radio is being used in? E.g. library, leisure centre, construction etc.

  • Which model charger is being used?

  • How is the battery being charged, e.g. off the radio, on the radio with the radio switched off. on the radio with the radio switched on?

  • When did this happen, e.g. whilst on charge, whilst in use?

  • Was the battery attached to the radio when this happened?

  • Has the battery dropped / damaged at all before this happened?

Can you please attach photos of the battery to this ticket please (clearly showing the overheating damage and the batteries label).

Thank you.